Was muss ich beachten bei einer Terminabsage in der HaarSchneiderei?
Liebe HaarSchneiderei Kunden
Bitte beachten!
Termin Absage mind. 48h vorher,
bei nicht Einhaltung, erlauben wir uns 50% der gebuchten Dienstleistung als Ausfallgebühr in Rechnung zu stellen.
Wir bedanken uns für euer Verständnis.
Damit die HaarSchneiderei bestehen kann, ist es wichtig,
dass ihr euren Termin mit Ernsthaftigkeit bucht
und in dem wissen, dass dieser Termin verbindlich ist.
we are a Master hairdresser operation
and even if we with biggest Care
and well-founded skills all our Customers care for,
we are still humans who can make mistakes.
Even if it almost never happens,
it is nevertheless important to us to show and explain transparency here too,
how we regulate something like this
1. We ask every customer before leaving the HAIRSCHNEIDEREI
if he is satisfied. Please help us to improve by sending us direct
give feedback.
2. We then react immediately and rework if necessary.
3. If you only find out at home or the next day,
that you are not completely satisfied, please inform us immediately
and we will help you promptly.
4. Please understand that we accept complaints after this period
no longer see it as a complaint, but as a new challenge
5. You can assume that we always give our all and if you notice something,
what we have missed, it is just an accident that can happen to any human being
and ask you to approach us with the same understanding that you wish for yourself in such a case.